Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I have never really been a Police hater. I have had a few run-ins with the police. Nothing serious. I have also had some good experiences with Police where they helped in times of need.

I'm not about to say the only good cop is a dead cop but I have had a fresh look at the nasty side of the Filth. I'd like to say peace to my Homie Ari. This post is dedicated to you.

"On the count of three say Fuck the police, 1,2,3.....

01 fuck the police-street
02 fuck the police-clean
03 fuck the police-instrumental
04 move-street
05 move-clean
06 move-instrumental

Yeah Fuck Em


Chris said...

Seems like there is more than one Swine epidemic out there - how about a ham sandwich!!!!!!!

deez nuts said...

we could lose a few of em, we got enough of em...

yo ari you gotta cut that mop! pigs can pick that out a mile away!